Cornwall-based Bestselling Author Emma Cowell loves Greece so much that all of her novels are set there. Read on to learn more about her.
Q&A with Emma Cowell
I’m back to introduce you to another wonderful author who writes books set in Greece. Bestselling Author Emma Cowell’s books have been described as “escapist fiction”, “beach reads”, and “contemporary romance”. I just know that they’re quite good. Keep reading to learn more about her and her work.
Where are you from?
Originally from Croydon in Surrey and it’s where I grew up and lived throughout my childhood.
Where do you live now?
In Cornwall by the sea and I love it. I do miss London, but I travel there a lot for my day-job, so I get to dash around the city for work and then come home to the beach and breathe!
Do you have a day job?
I’ve worked in children’s palliative care fundraising for around fifteen years and in that time I’ve managed an appeal to build a children’s hospice and worked with incredibly generous philanthropists and celebrity patrons to make a huge difference to families and children with life limiting conditions. I am privileged to see the best of human nature.

When did you first go to Greece?
Almost twenty years ago. We went to the western Peloponnese to Gialova and Methoni and it was love at first sight! The mainland is much overlooked as everyone assumes you’re going to the islands, but there are so many hidden gems I’ve yet to explore. And a few islands are on my list, but Greece is so vast with such different landscapes and climates- so much still to see to gather inspiration for my writing.
What made you fall in love with Greece?
Where do I begin? The climate, the people, the landscape, and the food! I was obsessed with the Greek legends as a child and when I first visited the country, something locked into place and it felt like I was meant to go there. That was a few years before I wrote my first novel, but it inspired me back then in so many ways, particularly in the kitchen. I love to cook and Greek cuisine is utterly delicious. And now, it’s an honour to bring to life somewhere I love between the pages.
When did you start writing?
I’ve always loved creative writing and would make up stories as a child or write poems. I worked for the BBC as a journalist and presenter which is a very different discipline, but writing has always been part of my life. I started my first novel during lockdown when I had the time and space to focus on one thing for a change. When life gradually emerged from the pandemic, I kept on writing and haven’t stopped since.
When did you know you had to set your books in Greece?
When I began my first novel, it was at a time when nobody could travel, and Greece was very much on my mind. I’d become used to spending large chunks of time there during the year and to be unable to get on a plane meant it was all I could think about. I immersed myself into conjuring up the country on the page instead and it felt natural to set my book somewhere I not only knew but loved.
Where do you get your ideas/inspiration?
I wish I knew where the characters and stories came from, because it would feel much easier to tap into that place when I’m thinking about the next novel. But whether it’s a dish I eat in a taverna or someone I observe when I’m in Greece, they all whirl around my brain and eventually a setting, a character and a story emerges….slowly!
When did you publish your first book?
Harper Collins published my debut novel, One Last Letter From Greece, in 2022 followed by The House in the Olive Grove in 2023. Then I did another two book deal with them and The Island Love Song came out this year.
How many books have you published so far?
Three have been let loose into the world with my fourth, Under the Lemon Tree, is in progress which will be out in May/June 2025.
How have they been received?
I’ve been so overwhelmed by the support I’ve received not only from English speaking countries but from all over the world. To have my novels become bestsellers is just incredible and I feel so lucky and grateful. My writing has been translated into eight languages so far and it is such a thrill to see copies of the overseas translations. My Greek publishers have been so supportive and the two books they’ve published so far have been bestsellers there too. In 2023, the local community in Methoni–where I set my debut–held an event to honour my writing. I shed countless tears, it was so moving to have such a warm reception from the place I write about.
Tell us about your latest book.
The Island Love Song is set on Hydra which is one of my favourite islands. It’s such a romantic place, so it made sense to consider it for a story. It’s a sweeping love story featuring family secrets, sibling rivalry and a love song that changes everything! It’s also an exploration of nurture versus nature, of parenthood and family and lost love. And music given Hydra’s musical provenance having once been Leonard Cohen’s home island, music is very much part of the tale–hence the title.

Do you blog? If yes, tell us about it.
I just about manage to send a newsletter every couple of months through my website. I started blogging a little when my first novel came out, but between a full time day job alongside writing, there simply isn’t enough time. I do post a lot on social media in place of writing a blog, but it’s not the same, I know.
What’s next for you?
More writing! Book four is nearly done and I’ve started to think about book five and six–but not too much otherwise my brain will become too embroiled in the next set of characters. And exploring Greece as much as I can. I hate to wish time away, but I always count down the days until my next trip.
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