
Meet Author Anastasia Rubis

Meet Author Anastasia Rubis

New Jersey-based Greek-American Author Anastasia Rubis talks about Greece, writing, and her debut novel. Read on!

Q&A with Anastasia Rubis

Greek-American Author Anastasia Rubis has always loved to write. Keep reading to learn more about her and her work.



Where are you from? Tell us a little about you.

I’m from New York and New Jersey. I currently live in Montclair, New Jersey.


Do you write full time or do you have a “day” job? 

I was an advertising executive in Manhattan for many years, then got my Master’s in English and became an adjunct professor for three years. At present, my day job is writing my second novel.


When did you start writing?

In school, at a young age. Bot not seriously, until my thirties. First, I was an avid reader, long hours on Saturday mornings, any chance I could get during school days.  And of course I wanted to do what those writers were doing: captivating me, moving me, taking me into another world and engaging with new people.




When did you visit Greece for the first time?

At age 3, in 1963; I don’t remember it. Age 9, 1969; that trip is seared into my memory. The heat, donkeys, grapes, dirt roads, Skiathos Koukounaries beach, sleeping on relatives’ floors.


What made you fall in love with Greece?

The dawning sense of my roots – “ah, this is part of me! It all makes sense now!” The sea and pine trees.  The climate. The food and doting relatives.


ORIANA: A NOVEL OF ORIANA FALLACI by Anastasia Rubis. book cover featuring a table with 2 chairs, a steaming cup of coffee, a typwriter, and notebook, overlooking the sea.
Oriana: A Novel of Oriana Fallaci is the debut historical novel by Greek-American Author Anastasia Rubis




When did you know you had to set your book in Greece? 

My novel, is historical fiction, so it’s based on the true love story of Alexander Panagoulis (from Glyfada) and Oriana Fallaci, the legendary journalist from Florence. I always set my stories in Greece; Greece pulls me. I know it well and feel it in my blood. Also, we don’t have enough Greek writers getting published and telling Greek stories; I want to do that.


What inspires you?

Real life. Life is more fascinating to me than straight fiction. I see people’s humanity, strengths and weaknesses, desires, struggles. These things move me and then I want to encapsulate and communicate those feelings.  Emotion brings us all together, we share the same humanity.




How many books have you published? 

One to date. I published it age age 63, back in 2023. It’s called Oriana: A Novel of Oriana Fallaci.


Why did you want to write this story?

I first discovered the love story of Alexander Panagoulis and Oriana Fallaci on the Greek island of Folegandros in the 1980s, when I found her memoir, A Man, spinning on a dusty carousel in a souvenir shop. Immediately I was captivated by Alexander’s heroism against the Greek dictatorship of the 60s and 70s, and his sacrifice for his country. As a romantic, his love affair with Oriana, tragic as it was, never left me. I knew I had to tell this story in America, where these two giants are largely unknown.


How has it been received? 

Exactly as I dreamed, with readers saying, “Why didn’t I know about this incredible woman, this incredible love story!” Readers love learning a moving, true story while being entertained.


Author Anastasia Rubis. Image by Angela Beekers-Uberoi. Image of a smiling woman with shoulder length light brown hair wearing a light blue blouse and standing in front of a tree.
Greek-American Author Anastasia Rubis. IMAGE: Angela Beekers-Uberoi




Have you published anything else besides the book?

Yes, feature articles in The New York Times and stories in literary journals.


What’s next for you?

I’m in the midst of a second novel, set on a Greek island!


Anything else you want to share? 

The audiobook of Oriana is narrated by Greek-American actress Anthoula Katsimatides. Her voice is as sexy and soulful as Oriana Fallaci’s herself. I’m happy that I found and hired her. The book (in all it’s versions) are available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.



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